Saturday, August 1, 2009

7/24/2009 - Spencer Glacier Whistle Stop - Alaska Railroad Tour

Our Alaska tour saver coupon book inclueded a 2 for 1 ride on the Alaska Railroad called the Spencer Glacier Whistle Stop. The train picks up passengers at either Whittier or Portage then continues to Grandview. This is a photo as the train arrives to pick us up.
The train's first stop is to pick up the rafts that the rafters will be using when they get off the train at Spencer Glacier.

We arrive at Spencer Glacier and the rafts are removed from the train.

In addition to rafters getting off at Spencer Glacier, there is also a canoe trip and a hiking trip available so quite a few passengers disembark here.

This is Spencer Glacier.

There is quite a few large pieces of glacial ice floating in the lake.

As the train continues to Grandview, there is an area where they are salvaging lumber that was in a train hit by an avalanche last year.

This is Trail Glacier.

As we return to Spencer Glacier to pick up the canoers and hikers, we wait on a siding for a train headed for Seward to pass by on the main track.

Here the train is picking up the rafters who have floated down to our first stop of the day.

We continued on the Portage where we got off the train after an enjoyable sightseeing afternoon.

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