The Alaska blueberries I had picked on our trip up the Nabesna Road were used in pancakes this morning and were pretty good. After breakfast, we were on the road headed for Whitehorse, Yukon Territory. On the way there, we stopped at Sheep Mountain Visitor Center near Kluane Lake. This is a primary winter and spring range for Dall sheep. We were told that there was currently about 90 sheep on the mountain. Unfortunately, our camera would make them look like small white dots so no photo is available. At Haines Junction, this next photo is their village monument.
It almost looks like we took a wrong turn at Haines Junction and landed in Germany. We actually saw quite a few RV's like these two from Germany. We followed them through construction on the Alaskan Highway and on into Whitehorse.
We arrived at Pioneer RV Park around 3:00pm and ran into Jeff, aka RVDude, whom we had met at the Spartan factory in Charlotte, Michigan a couple of years ago. He was getting ready to leave, but he and Ken got to talking for quite a while, and the subject of Elks came up. Jeff mentioned that the Elks in Whitehorse must have a good dinner as their parking lot was full last night. He decided to stay another night so we could all go to the Elks for dinner. Upon arriving at the Elks, the dinner turned out to be bingo which they have every night of the week. We ended up having a good meal at Earl's and a great time visiting with Jeff.