Sunday, August 23, 2009

8/23/2009 - Bear Fishing and Berry Picking

It was our last afternoon in Valdez, so we decided to take a drive out on Dayville Road to watch the spawning salmon. In our other trips out there, we had noticed the flashing sign saying "Bear in area - do not approach", but had never seen the bears. As we were headed back to town, we finally saw a bear! It was catching the spawning salmon and seemed to be just eating the eggs out of the females, then going on to the next fish.
You can see the eggs just below the fish in this photo.

Taking a break from eating.

Bear stare down.

After a while, the bear wandered over to the berry bushes. As it headed up the hill, we could see a branch with a cluster of berries pulled down. When the branch reappeared, the berries were gone and the bear continued on up the hill.

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