On our days off from ATV riding, Ken and I drove in and around the Grangeville, Idaho trying to find a few more geocaches and just do some exploring of the area.
This large black rabbit was near one of our geocaches in town.
One of the locals.
We took another drive taking us down to the Salmon River and came upon this active dig sight. There was a sign inviting visitors to take a look, so we did.
They were only going to be here another week or so. Before they leave, they will fill the holes with sandbags.
It’s mostly arrowhead type objects that they’re finding.
The second dig in the same area is quite deep.
Their dig is located just above the Salmon River.
And this was our tour guide.
We spent some time in Grangeville another day to look for another geocache or two. One was located at this old tractor displayed in town.
We stopped for a late lunch at the Hilltop Café. It was highly recommended by the sheriff we spoke with outside the building. Ken’s cheeseburger was a mouthful!
That’s it until the next catch up blog post.