We’ve continued to be busy with everyday life and several doctor visits. A week ago Friday, we spent a good portion of the day in ER for Ken’s knee. A follow up visit to a doctor resulted in a cortisone shot, but now his other knee is giving him problems so we’ll probably try to get back up there before heading out of town. Last Friday, we headed to a doctor visit for me in Mesa which resulted in more tests than I had planned, and we should have the results by the end of this week. We’ve both been busy getting the house ready to be left for the summer and getting the RV ready for our summer travels. In my spare time, I’ve been reading several books on my Kindle and even worked in a jigsaw puzzle or two. Ken’s cousin gave me this Saturday Evening Post puzzle when we visited them in Laughlin in January…it was a fun one to put together.

Today, we traveled to Tucson to visit our good friends and hunting partners from Idaho. In our many years of driving through Eloy on I-10, we’ve noticed these strange structures and wondered what they were all about.

Pichacho Peak is a very recognizable sight on the route to Tucson.

Here’s Jim and Mary Lou.

And we had a full moon rising this evening.

Wednesday should be a stay at home day. We have a serviceman coming to take a look at the A/C system for the house to make sure it is in good working order for the summer. Other than that, we’ll continue our preparations for a departure in the next couple of weeks.