On the morning of November 5th, we had an appointment for Ken at the Costco in Tucson to have some adjustments made to his hearing aids. Before heading in to town, we got the RV ready for travel and moved it to the picnic area of Catalina State Park where they told us we could leave it until we were ready to move. Once that was done, we drove into Tucson and had breakfast at the Bisbee Breakfast Club. It wasn’t quite the same feeling as going to the original restaurant in Bisbee, but it was still and good meal. From there, we drove to Costco and had some time to kill, so we spent some additional money on more items for the house. It finally came time for Ken’s appointment and they gave him some kind of a moisturizer to hopefully ease the irritation to his ears from wearing he hearing aids. All errands being completed, we headed back to pick up the RV at the state park, hook up the truck and we drove on to Florence to spend a night in preparation for our restitution hearing early Tuesday morning. Our drive took us along Hwy 79 and we passed an area where there was a Tom Mix memorial site. I checked that out later and found that was the location of his fatal car crash in 1940.
We arrived at the courthouse in Florence well before 9:00am on Tuesday and it ended up being a long wait for nothing. Our victim’s advocate finally told us that the defense lawyer wanted to put it off for 4 weeks. That completed, it was back to the RV, get hooked up and on the road…made a stop at the Walmart in Coolidge to pick up a few items then back to our place in Arizona City after a stop to take on fuel in the RV.
Today…11/7/12…we didn’t have plans other than for our friends Bill and Diane stopping by to see the house and then have lunch together. Before they arrived, I moved the truck to the driveway and gave it a quick wash…and I do mean quick…it looks better than it did before…but it still needs work. When they arrived, we gave them a quick tour of the house and then visited for awhile before going to lunch at the Robson Ranch Grill. After lunch, we drove to the Eloy Airport to see what was going on with the parachuters. When we first arrived, nothing seemed to be happening, but after hanging out for a while, jumpers were falling out of the sky.

After their jumps, the divers go to this building to repack their chutes.

Here’s Diane and Bill in the building where the chutes are repacked. Ken is to Diane’s left.

Once we got back to the house, we visited for about an hour when our neighbor returned from a trip to the hospital a couple of days ago for her husband’s stroke. Fortunately, his was caught soon enough that he will be okay, but he’s still in the hospital and she was going to follow some friends back to Phoenix tonight while we and other neighbors keep an eye on their house.