After reading Dennis & Carol's blog this morning where he mentioned following ours, I decided it was time to get it updated again as I’ve been ignoring it for the last couple of weeks. We’re still at the Elks lodge in Spokane, WA. Our daughter and her family lives in Nine Mile Falls and Ken’s brother is in Spokane, and when we had a house in Idaho it was about 60 miles east of here. So, we find ourselves keeping very busy while here visiting with family, friends, and doctor visits. Ken had an appointment at Costco on Friday, July 6th to have his hearing tested (huh?). Due to the results of the exam, he was referred to Spokane ENT before getting fitted for hearing aids.
Our grandson Dominique’s school was hosting a basketball tournament on Saturday 7/7 which we attended. His school team won the tournament!

Between games, we had lunch at the Zip’s drive-in across from the school. Kayley (Demetrius’ girlfriend) and the other cheerleaders were holding a car wash, so we took advantage of that and had the truck cleaned up.

In our many drives out to our grandsons’ high school, we pass by the Spokane House (an old trading post) which is not usually open. As we headed home, we saw that the gate was open and took a quick tour of their museum.

This is a replica of how Spokane House was laid out in the past.

Beaver fur was traded here.

We returned to Laura’s on Sunday for a barbecue dinner.
The week of July 9th was a week of doctor and RV repair visits. Ken had an eye exam Monday morning and that afternoon went to Spokane ENT for an appointment there after which they scheduled him for a CT scan later in the week.
The part to repair our HWH leveling system in the RV finally arrived at RV’s Northwest and we drove there on Tuesday the 10th to get that back in working order. We thought they were sending just a circuit board to fix the problem, but they sent the entire control box. Back at the Elks, we are now able to dump the air and lower the jacks again to get level while parked.
Ken’s CT scan was on 7/12, and after running some errands, we went back to pick up a copy of the results.
Laura’s birthday was on the 15th, and we let her have the day with Bob and the boys since we had left her a gift the previous weekend. That afternoon, we went to the home of Chuck and Phyllis along with Gene and Kathy (RV hosts here) to discuss a trip that Chuck and Phyllis are planning to TX. Of course we all had good recommendations of places for them to see during their travels.
Tuesday was my birthday and we spent the day going to Spokane ENT for Ken to discuss the CT scan with his doctor. He was cleared to go back to Costco to order his hearing aids. We drove to Coeur d’Alene to order a part to reverse the door on our residential refrigerator, then back to Costco to set up an appointment for Ken to order the hearing aids. We went to the sunset dinner at Anthony’s at Spokane Falls and it was very good!
Ken had a fitting for his hearing aids on the 18th, they were ordered, and he goes back next week to pick them up.
On the 19th, we headed to Prichard, ID to the home of our longtime hunting partners, Jim and Mary Lou. We had a long visit with them and went to the Prichard Tavern for lunch. Mary Lou along with her late husband Walt owned the Prichard Tavern for many years. After lunch, Ken got everything he had stored in their shop along with our old snowmobile trailer. We brought everything back to the Elks lodge with plans to sell the trailer. I put an ad on Craigslist for the trailer Friday morning and Ken got a call about it on Friday evening. That caller showed up on Saturday and bought it.

After the new owners of the trailer left, we joined Gene and Kathy and Ron and Sandy for a free lunch at R&R RV in the Spokane Valley. After the pulled pork sandwiches, we all checked out some of the new 5th wheels and motorhomes on the lot.
Ron said this shower was just right!

Saturday evening, the six of us went up to the Elks for the dinner.
Sandy had to cool off with a bag of ice on her head.

Sunday was another hot day in Spokane. After watching the NASCAR race, we drove to the Spokane Valley Mall to get in a little walk out of the heat. And after this long catch up post, I’ll try to be a little better and post more often.